for schools. primary prevention.

when they want it. prevention of sexual and cyber-violence for schools and leisure centers.

Sexual education in schools shouldn’t only be focused on contraception and STDs. We believe that the key to prevention is to know your own value and the value of others. We discuss the necessity of consent for any sexual act with our students. We warn them of peer pressure and teach them that no means no. We also teach them how to recognise various forms of sexual violence, and explain how to support a friend who was a victim of sexual violence.

Úvodní obrázek

why is it necessary.

39% of people in the Czech Republic have been a victim of a form of sexual violence. 9% have experienced a serious form of sexual violence. 683 cases of rape were reported in 2019. The Institute of Criminology and Social Prevention states that only 5% of cases are reported. Based on this data, we can assume that 13 660 people were raped in the Czech Republic in 2019. Nevertheless, the Czech population has a distorted impression of how common sexual violence is, and the topic is still associated with many prejudices and misconceptions.

Therefore, our workshop addresses myths and stereotypes connected with sex and sexual violence. Sex education is one of the most effective tools that help with sexual violence prevention. We believe that open communication with young people will facilitate a decrease in sexual violence cases. Our goal is to teach communication skills to young people that will help them discuss boundaries with their partners, to teach them that it is okay to say no, and to respect oneself and one another.

72% of adolescents didn’t learn anything about consent in school. It is as if driving schools didn’t teach traffic signs.

sex education workshop.

The workshop is directed by two Konsent lecturers. We offer the workshop either on-site, or online during distance learning. The workshop includes 3 lessons.


Who is it for?
The workshop is recommended for secondary school students between the ages 13 to 17. Every class attends a separate workshop.


What does it look like?
Both types of the workshop are interactive with focus on experiential learning. We aim to create a safe environment where everyone can share their opinions, and ask questions regarding sex and sexual violence. Mutual discussion with students about different relationships and sex scenarios is the essence of our workshops. We present multiple example scenarios to help students envision sensitive situations, empathise, and deal with such situations.

cyber violence workshop.

The workshop is directed by two Konsent lecturers. We offer the workshop either on-site, or online during distance learning. The workshop includes 3 lessons.


Who is it for?
The workshop is recommended for secondary school students between the ages 13 to 17. Every class attends a separate workshop.


What does it look like?
Both types of the workshop are interactive with focus on experiential learning. We aim to create a safe environment where everyone can share their opinions, and ask questions regarding security and the prevention of cyberbullying and cyber violence. The essence of our workshops is mutual discussion with about model situations in the field of cyber security, gender stereotypes and mutual respect in the online environment


Thanks to our cooperation with the Office of the Government of the Czech Republic (Government Council for Gender Equality), and the financial support from the Norwegian funds, the workshop is FREE. The capacity is limited.

Reservations and enquiries:


Projekt koordinují Mgr. Lenka Grünbergová, odborná garantka aktivit zaměřených na prevenci domácího a genderově podmíněného násilí na Úřadu vlády, Mga. Lucie Ingrová, koordinátorka aktivit zaměřených na prevenci domácího a genderově podmíněného násilí na Úřadu vlády ČR a Bc. Marcela Poláčková, metodička v oblasti domácího a genderově podmíněného násilí.

Otázky směřujte na email:

Odborná recenzentka: Doc. Kateřina Lišková, Phd., docentka Masarykovy univerzity, věnuje se genderově senzitivnímu vzdělávání a sexuálnímu násilí.


The project is coordinated by Mgr. Lenka Grünbergová, a professional guarantor of activities focusing on domestic abuse and gender-based violence in the Office of the Government of the CR,  Mga. Lucie Ingrová, a coordinator of activities focusing on domestic abuse and gender-based violence in the Office of the Government of the CR  a Bc. Marcela Poláčková, a methods expert in the field of domestic abuse and gender-based violence.


Otázky směřujte na email:


Professional reviewer:


Doc. Kateřina Lišková, PhD., a professor at Masaryk University, who focuses on gender-sensitive education and sexual violence.